SharePoint 2013: Remove from the search result "You have seen this before" Recommendation Part 1

The SharePoint 2013 recommendation analytic engine allows the end users to provide the most access content through the “specific keyword” and clicked the specific result more than 10 times; it will be displayed above the search result and bottom of the query suggestion (search box).

What I will cover in this post.

  1. Why we need to remove the “you have seen this before results” (specific issue)?
  2. How to reproduce the “You have seen this before” results?
  3. How to find the “You have seen this before” template & which results set returns responsible for render the results for this type?
  4. How I remove the “You have seen this before Results”?
  5. Better Solution: How rewrite the   “You have seen this before results” URL with your own custom property?

Why we need to remove “you have seen this before results” (specific issue)?

When we are doing some customizations in the result template to display the custom URL other the actual URL then we would required to remove / or update the “you have seen this before” item. If we leave it as it is. It will redirect the user to actual URL not the customized one.

The same issue comes when you use the better best bet approach to display the results in the custom display template. As same issue mentioned the “Mikael Svenson” in his Blog about this. where required to remove the you have seen this before or find some solution to get rid of it.

How to reproduce the “you have seen this before” items in the search results?

To reproduce the “you have seen this before” in search results follow the steps.
  • Navigate to the search center & search for the particular “term”.
  • Click the record that you wanted to display as “You have seen this before” result set. Click the particular result.
  • Again search the same term and click to the same record. Repeat this same step 10 to 15 times. You will able to see the “you have seen this before message”. 
  • These items comes in the search center in two location 
  • Above the search results (Search result template)
  • Search box auto complete list (Search box result template).

How to find the “You have seen this before” template & which results set returns responsible for render the results for this type?

There are two template are responsible for display the results as mentioned below.
  • Control_SearchBox.html (search box template)
  • Control_SearchResults.html (Result template)
Result set are responsible for returning the result in the template.  Open OOB “Control_SearchResults.html” template in notepad and look for “personalFavoriteResults” you will find the below JavaScript code. The table “personalFavoriteResults” result representing for display the results. 
var pfTable = Srch.U.getTableOfType(ctx.ClientControl.get_currentResultTableCollection(), Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search.Query.KnownTableTypes.personalFavoriteResults);
 You will get the two results URL and Title as per the below mentioned in screenshot.


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